8 Apple Tree Gifts for Every Type of Person

It’s autumn and although summer may be over we've got many delicious treats to look forward to ahead. One of these is being able to bite into a scrumptious homegrown apple.


Apple trees are a great gift to give around autumn time, although that might be starting to lose their leaves their fruits are becoming more ripe and juicy by the day.


The Eating Apple

Braeburn Apple Tree


Braeburn Apple Tree

Braeburn apples are crisp, delicious and one of the UK’s favourite eating apples. The sweet and sour flavours balance each other perfectly. Perfect for a healthy eater or someone who just loves biting into a fresh, delicious apple. Good for a health nut or someones whose on the go. Can be picked straight from the tree and eaten there and then. This tree joins the season late with the fruit ready for picking in mid-November

Occasion: November Birthdays - Every year on their birthday they can head out into the crisp air, pick an apple and eat it.

Perfect for: Small (4m/13ft) to medium (6m/19ft) sized gardens - the tree can grow to around 10ft in height which is great for a medium sized garden.



The Cooking Apple

Bramley Apple Tree


Bramley Apple Tree

Bramley apples have been crowned the king of the cooking apples. The apples are sour when eaten raw but can be cooked to transform them into a delicious fruit tart, pie or crumble. If you have a friend or family who's really into their baking then this is the tree for them.

The Bramley Apple Tree actually came around by complete mistake when a young girl planted a seed in Nottinghamshire and the very first tree still stands today.

Occasion: September Anniversaries - The fruitlets will start to appear in August, ripening in September.

Perfect for: Small gardens and patio growing - our Bramley apple trees have been grafted onto an extreme dwarfing rootstock keeping this tree nice and compact.



The Cider Apple

Katy Apple Tree Gift


Katy Apple Tree

The Katy Apple tree is a fantastic cider apple. The bright red skin is slightly tougher than some apples but the flesh beneath is sharp, sweet and extra juicy. A great tree for someone who loves a tipple of cider now and then. They can grow their own cider right in their backyard. Katy apples crop slightly earlier in the season than other apples making this great for September birthdays.

Occasions: A tree that can basically grow its own cider? - it’s great for any Autumn celebration!

Perfect for: Small gardens - grafted onto an M27 rootstock this tree will only grow to around 6ft in height.



The Native Apple

Crab Apple Tree Gift


Crab Apple Tree Gift

As the UK’s only native apple tree we couldn’t miss this one off our list. Similar to the Bramley apple, the fruit is bitter to eat raw but can be transformed into a crab apple jelly and other treats. As it is also known as the tree of the love to the Celts this makes a great gift for someone you love.

Occasions: A wedding gift - the tree of love is the perfect sapling to gift to the couple about to be joined in holy matrimony.

Perfect for: Any UK garden! - Native trees are always a must-have in any British garden and as this is a smaller native tree it’s great for all garden sizes.



The Versatile Apple

James Grieves


James Grieve Apple Tree

James Grieve Apple Trees are known for their heavy crops of apples which is great seeing as they can be used for so many things! The dual-purpose fruit can be eaten fresh, cooked with or turned into refreshing apple juice. The young apples are sharper in flavour and hold their shape well in cooking. As the fruit matures the flavour becomes mellow and soft with a change in the texture of the flesh.

Occasion: Absolutely any autumn occasion! - The fruit isn’t the only versatile thing about this tree. It’s great for any Autumn occasion, birthdays, anniversaries... You name it!

Perfect for: Northern gardens - This is a hardy, resilient variety making is perfect for gardens in cooler parts of the UK.


The Little Apple

Dwarfing Pinova Apple Tree


Pinova Apple Tree

The Dwarfing Pinova is the perfect apple tree for smaller gardens. It can be planted out in the garden or grown in a large container. The apples are a cross between the golden delicious and cox which creates a mouthwateringly crisp apple. A hardy little apple tree that grows well in colder parts of Britain.

Occasion: Housewarming - This little tree can be moved wherever the heart desires. A housewarming gift that can warm each house as it goes.

Perfect for: Growing on the patio - this little gem will grow to around 5ft in height making it perfect for creating a little orchard on the patio.


The Juicing Apple

Falstaff Apple Tree


Falstaff Apple Tree Gift

Not only is it well known for its trademark juiciness, but the Falstaff variety is also a great gift for the novice gardener. It’s hardy to low temperatures and doesn’t require much maintenance at all. The variety is very heavy cropping meaning whoever receives this gift will have an abundance of fruit to juice to their heart's content.

Occasion: The novice gardeners Birthday - the perfect starter apple tree.

Perfect for: Growing in a pot - Also grafted onto an M27 rootstock, this tree is heavy cropping but perfect to grow in a pot in the garden.



The Dessert Apple

Golden Delicious Apple Tree


Golden Delicious Apple Tree

The Golden Delicious Apple Tree is naturally sweet treat making it one of the best dessert apples. Not only that but it holds its shape extremely well making it ideal for apple pies. A versatile apple that can be eaten from the branches or cooked up into a storm of delicious sweet treats for the family.

Occasion: Golden Wedding Anniversary - I can see one lucky couple getting a unique gift for their 50th wedding anniversary this year. Can you?

Perfect for: Southern gardens - the golden delicious variety will thrive in a warm southern garden.




They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away and we have plenty of other apple tree gifts perfect for birthday occasions so why not check them out.